I wrestled with the title of this post because, who the hell is going into your residence checking your closets anyway?
Anywho...for the past couple of days, entertainment gossip has been centered around Frank Ocean and his sexuality. "Someone" reported that after listening to Frank Ocean's songs, they noticed he referenced a male in some of them. Then today all hell broke loose when Frank Ocean posted a story of his "outing" on Tumblr. (Read post here)
Frank Ocean
I applaud him for having the courage to post the story whether or not it was actually HIS story. I am unsure, however, as to why others felt he owed them some sort of explanation as to what he does in his bedroom. Ocean did mention in the post that he felt like a free man. But why was he in bondage anyway? Is it because he feared what his fans and the public would think of him? Is it that he feared backlash from his songs and the crashing of the music industry upon him?
I will say I fell in love with Frank Ocean's music long before I knew his bedroom manner and honestly, I haven't changed how I feel about him as an artist. I feel that is all he owes to his fans is to be true to his music and create songs that hold the listener. I am still in love with his music and the lyrics he conveys through it. Whether he is straight, bi-sexual or gay matters none to me unless he stops making music because of it. I mean really... I could care less about his sexual orientation unless I am trying to get with him. That is the only way I can see why it would matter to me what he does in the bedroom.
I recall not too long ago, Lil B/Based God mentioned the name of his first album would be titled "I'm Gay". The music industry went crazy!! (read here) Based God went on to add in the title "(I'm Happy)". Why did he need to clarify what he meant by 'gay'? Why would they care so much about him talking about himself? Had he titled the album "I Got Plenty B*tches", no one would have said anything. As a matter of fact, flip your FM dial to anyone of the Urban music stations in your city and you can hear plenty of songs confessing exactly that..."b*tches, hoes, clothes and rolls". Probably in that order too.
Could it be that there are more in the music world that fear by others "coming out", it would shine the spotlight on them as well? In that regard, I can see why Frank Ocean would go ahead and share his story. Once you have removed the covers off a most personal part of your life, there is nothing else others can hold over your head. And we know all too well how others try to hold you hostage by some information they may have on you.
Well surprise, surprise....this isn't just happening in the music world. A few days ago Anderson Cooper thought it necessary for him to make a statement, "I'm gay, always have been, always will be." (yep...got it here) Huh!!?!? First of all, that was no surprise. Second of all, who the hell cares!! If your job is to report the news, report the news that matters to us and not your sexuality that does not! Unless you are coming out to some females you may have duped into believing you were straight, the general public should not need to be informed of your bedroom escapades.
So should we all have a coming out party to share with the entire world what our sexual preference is? "Honey, I am strictly @!*kly!" Is that what is necessary nowadays? It's the same reason I don't do the whole "no homo" thing. I shouldn't have to quantify every statement I make with the clarification of what my sexual orientation is. That information is between myself, God and the person I'm committed to. If I think a female is beautiful, I state that...and that's it!
I said all of that to say this, what business do we have knowing what another person does in their bedroom? Which is why I struggled with the title "Out the Closet". It's what society calls it, but like I said earlier...who the hell is checking closets anyway? Not everyone's closet is clean.
I am sure the industry will have a feeding frenzy with this story for awhile. I'll be sitting back and vibing to "The Best of Frank Ocean" in the meantime.
Feel free to sound off and let me know what you're thinking...
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